Overcoming Creative Blocks

Sometimes, nothing is more intimidating than the blank page. Between scripts, proposals, blog posts and creative writing projects I do for fun, I write nearly every day. The more I write, the easier I find it to be but that doesn’t mean I don’t experience writer’s block once in a while. As a producer, there are multiple stages in a project beyond writing during which I can experience a creative roadblock. I might review interviews and have a hard time piecing together the story, or I may watch a rough cut and struggle to put my finger on what’s not working. Over time, I’ve discovered a few ways to move beyond a creative bottleneck or stop myself from hitting one in the first place.

Start with what you know…and start right away

Most projects start with a kick-off meeting, during which I take extensive notes. Then clients send me materials with which to get started. That might include an outline they’ve created or articles to help familiarize me with the topic at hand. Sometimes I have a relatively long time to write my first draft. I suggest starting to write as soon as you can after the kick-off meeting while your memory of what you discussed is still fresh. You may want to organize your notes into a creative brief or list a few key bullet points at the top of your draft script to keep certain ideas or concepts top of mind. Waiting to write and then trying to remember exactly what your notes meant can be an exercise in frustration. Even if you don’t have all the information you need to craft the full story just yet, writing down the parts of it that are clear to you can give you a skeleton on which to build as you learn more.

Work with your hands

If I’ve hit a roadblock in a creative project, sometimes I can get around it by shifting my attention to a hands-on activity. Cooking tends to re-focus me, for instance. Even a short break to mix up some bread dough or make dinner can pay dividends. Doing something with my hands for a while, like cooking or drawing, seems to act like a reset button for my brain.  

Move your body 

Another way to move beyond a creative block is to get out of your head and into your body. I like walks through my neighborhood and sessions at the gym. Sports with friends can also do the trick. Not only do they get me moving physically, but the conversation and camaraderie can help spark new ideas.

Come back to it tomorrow

Sometimes I’ll hit a rough patch in a project, take a break to run errands or make some food and realize that it’s best to just come back to the project the next day. I’ve found that my writing is stronger if I write and edit on separate days, for instance. Most projects can benefit from a little room to breathe. Of course, you need to start your project far enough ahead of your deadline to make this a good option.


Pick up a good, old-fashioned book (or your Kindle) and start reading. I try to alternate between non-fiction and fiction, but I find fiction to be a true escapist pleasure. A few minutes of reading takes my mind off whatever I spent the day thinking about. Reading is also really relaxing for me. When I read before bed, I tend to drift off to sleep pretty quickly and that makes me fresher for the next day.

Have an easily accessible place to keep notes

A great idea can hit you when you’re in line at the grocery store or walking the dog.  I keep a list in my phone where I can jot ideas down whenever they occur to me.  This is especially helpful if you need to come up with new topics to write about regularly. Most of my blog post ideas start as a note in my phone.

I think of creativity like a muscle…the more you use it, the stronger it gets. But just like the muscles of your body, your creative “muscles” need rest and recuperation to work at their best. Just like stretching can help you before a workout, preparation can help you avoid creative blocks, but sometimes they’re unavoidable. By temporarily moving on to another activity and giving yourself a breather, you can come back to your project with fresh ideas relatively quickly.

Sue O'Hora

Sue O’Hora is a writer, producer and director based in Washington, D.C.


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