What Does a Video Producer Actually Do?
It’s easy to get so deep in the weeds of what you’re doing every day that you forget that not EVERYONE is as familiar with your job as you are. Even though the term “producer” is familiar to anyone who watches movies or television, the job description changes quite a bit depending upon the kind of content being produced. You’ll find 17 different job descriptions on the Wikipedia page for “Television Producer”, for example. I specialize in short-form video, but my projects can require documentary style interviews, animation, or scenes featuring actors and scripted dialogue. I love variety, so having the opportunity to work across in a number of styles is a good fit for me. Every producer will approach their job a little differently. Here’s a breakdown of what I do at each stage of a production.
My first goal with any project is to develop a creative idea that meets the client’s goals and works with their budget. Clients often need at least a basic understanding of my proposed creative direction before the project is formally awarded. Once a project is won, it’s time to start fleshing out that creative idea in script form. I rely on a two-column script format for most projects (though I’ve used Final Draft for some recent projects involving actors). Some producers write their own scripts and some work with writers. In most cases, I write and produce concurrently.
Scripts typically go through a few rounds of revisions before they are far enough along to shoot. Once they reach that stage, it’s time to plan the production. For me, this involves making a detailed schedule, finding locations, and lining up interview subjects or casting actors. It also involves hiring the crew and determining what gear to use. If the project is animated, this is the point at which a designer starts working on style frames.
I am also responsible for the budget throughout the project. I keep track of expenses and compare them to my original budget regularly to make sure I’m on track.
I prepare thoroughly for each shoot, then it’s time to actually capture footage. I guide the crew to make sure that the footage being filmed matches the client’s creative expectations as well as my own. This involves weighing in on lighting decisions and camera angles. I also watch the clock and make sure we stick to our schedule. If the project is interview-driven, I’ll often be the person conducting the interviews. If the project involves talent, I’ll be directing them, making sure they read their lines as desired and putting the right emotion into their performance. For larger projects, a producer might bring in a separate director for this role.
Post Production
As the project transitions to post production, I provide guidance to the editors, animators and other operators who will help create the finished video. Though I often start this process earlier in the project, I may also be finding stock footage at this stage or working with the client to find materials that augment what we’ve filmed. I watch incremental cuts and provide feedback to the operators, then send cuts to the client for their comments. I am the bridge between the client and the operators, so I try to make the information that passes through me as clear as possible for both parties. For clients, that involves making sure they know what to be looking for and commenting on at each stage of a project’s development. For the operators, I make sure that comments coming from the client are as clear and actionable as possible.
Throughout the project, I keep the script updated as small changes are made. I’ll also make sure music and stock footage are licensed properly. As the end of the project nears, I time each line of voiceover for the final narrator and prep the script for captioning if necessary. I’ll work with the client to cast voiceover talent, then supervise the recording session. I’ll watch the video a few more times to review color correction, audio mix and captions. By the end of a project, I have typically watched a video 20 or more times as it has taken shape. Lastly, I’ll ensure that all deliverables have been sent to the client and approved.
Different types of projects require different kinds of producers, but in general a producer is a manager who oversees the video production process in whole or in part. Producing requires you to use a variety of different skill sets, and that’s one of my favorite things about it. Every project is an opportunity to put both sides of my brain to work: the creative side and the detail-oriented project manager side.